General purpose coatings are not heat resistant. They get damaged, burnt, peeled off due to excessive heat. Hence special heat resistant coatings are used for protection of such surfaces. These coatings should be selected with respect to the maximum surface temperature. UGAM HEAT RESIST 200 is suitable for surface up to 170 degrees Celsius. UGAM HEAT RESIST 400 is suitable for surface from 170 to 350 degrees Celsius. UGAM HEAT RESIST 600 is suitable for temperature from 350 to 550 degrees Celsius. The coatings suitable above 350 degrees Celsius require curing at 250 degrees Celsius for one hour. UGAM HEAT RESIST 1200 is suitable for temperature between 550 and 1100 degrees Celsius and UGAM HEAT RESIST 1800 is suitable for temperatures between 1100 and 1800 degrees Celsius
- The Ugam H. R. Paints are provided by us is capable of withstanding high temperatures.
- UGAM H. R. Paints Products are having wide range of heat resistance ranging from 400, 600, 1200 to 1800 degree Celsius
- It is mainly used as heat resistant paint up to 600 degrees Celsius.
- Ordinary paints do not withstand the temperature up to 600 degrees Celsius and hence application of All products are being used by major industries for ovens and furnaces heat resistant paints is required for such hot surfaces.
- It is used as heat resistant coating suitable upto 600 degrees Celsius.
- It is suggested mainly for continuous temperatures between 250 and 550 degrees Celsius.
- In case of humid and salty weather special Primer for UGAM Heat resist 600 is used.
- This is widely used in industries for chimney paintings and exhaust pipes painting.
- This special coating is generally for exterior of furnaces to achieve proper heat desperation of exterior surface thereby providing increase life furnace.
- Then this coating is applied for protection of primer as well as aesthetic look to the surface.
- Highly effective
- Precise pH value
- Balanced composition
- Long shelf life
Application Procedure of UGAM HEAT RESISTANT 600 EPSI PAINT:
- UGAM HEAT RESIST 600 EPSI. Coating is specially manufactured for coating of parts which come into contact of heat upto 600 deg. Celsius.
- This coating increases the life of parts on which they are applied for protection.
- The application procedure of UGAM HEAT RESIST 600 EPSI is very easy. 4) It can be applied by brush after mixing it well and thinned down to application viscosity if required.
- Single coat of UGAM EPSI PRIMER is required in case the application is to be done for whether resistance requirement.
- The previously applied coating should be removed from the surface by UGAM PAINT STRIPPER/ Sand blasting or mechanical cleaning. The paint stripper should be applied to the surface and left for few minutes till the paint starts lifting from the surface.
- Then the surface should be scraped lightly with the help of emery paper. The surface should then be cleaned by thinner followed by application of two coats of UGAM HEAT RESIST 600 EPSI. Minimum four hours time should be given between each coat.
- The surface will air dry after four hours. It can be taken in use after overnight curing of final coat.
- The coating will thorough dry in actual use and when temperature exceeds 200 deg C for minimum one hour.
- The covering per litre is around 80 to 90 sq ft per coat. Depending upon the absorption by the surface.